Sporting Rec. League

Code of Conduct

Parent Code of Conduct

As a proud Sporting Recreation League (SRL) Parent, I will: 

  1. Support my child with positive encouragement at all times.
  2. Respect and adhere to the ideals, policies, and rules determined by SRL, and my child’s team.
  3. Maintain self-control at all times.
  4. Respect the facilities, either home or away, in which my child is privileged to play.
  5. Show respect for the decisions, judgment and authority of the officials.
  6. Show respect for the feelings and accept the capabilities of my child, my child’s teammates and players on the other team.
  7. Exhibit a high degree of sportsmanship, teamwork and positive attitude at all times when representing my child, the team and the club.
  8. Refrain from coaching from the sidelines during training and or games.
  9. Respect the 24-hour rule when dealing with issues and or concerns I have that I can address with my son/daughter’s team coach, program director or staff member.
  10. Refrain from expressing my opinion of the coaches or players in front of my own child or in a public setting.
  11. Refrain from using foul language towards other parents, coaches, officials or opponents. 
  12. Refrain from yelling at or threatening referees, opposing players or coaches before, during, or after games or training.
  13. Not use social media to express any negativity toward anyone associated with Sporting Recreation League.
  14. Refrain from demonstrating frustration or anger after a loss or poor performance.
  15. Not physically or verbally abuse any other person.
  16. Accept defeat gracefully at all times.
  17. I will not bring alcohol, drugs or firearms to any SRL games, training sessions, team or club functions/activities. 

Failure to comply with the Parent Code of Conduct could result in removal from the team, our club, a field, sanctions, and/ or police involvement.

Coach Code of Conduct

Whereas: The safety, welfare and well-being of our youth players are the primary concern and responsibility of Sporting Recreation League (SRL).

All members, associates, volunteers, and contractors acting as a representative of or on behalf of SRL, in the course of doing business with SRL, or attending an SRL event will adhere to the following:

1. Show respect to others involved in the game including match officials, players, coaches, managers, staff, and spectators serving as role model of good sportsmanship. This includes non-soccer activities such as meetings, tryouts, or serving as spectator.

2. Adhere to the laws and the spirit of the game by promoting fair play and displaying high standards of behavior.

3. Always respect the official’s decision. Never approach and/or confront a match official before, during, or after a game in any manner that is not positive. Any disagreements, frustrations, or discussions must be taken with SRL Staff.

4. All children will be equally treated with respect regardless of sex, race, religion, or creed.

5. Children will not be touched in ways that make them feel uncomfortable, and their right to say no will be respected.

6. At no time before, during, or after an SRL game, practice or other SRL event will any employee, volunteer, or contractor be alone with a single child where they cannot be observed by others.

7. Children are not be left unsupervised- before, during, or after SRL events. Coaches/team personnel will not leave any child unsupervised until the child is picked up.

8. Any type of abuse will not be tolerated and may be cause for immediate dismissal.

9. No player will ever be subjected to

a. Physical abuse including but not limited to striking, spanking, shaking, slapping, etc.

b. Verbal abuse including but not limited to humiliation, degrading comments, threats.

c. Sexual abuse including but not limited to inappropriate sexual touching, exposure, or conduct which creates a sexually hostile environment.

d. Mental abuse including but not limited to shaming, cruelty, or neglect such as withholding food, water, basic care, etc.

10. Use of positive techniques of guidance is encouraged, including redirection, positive reinforcement and encouragement rather than comparison and criticism. Staff, volunteer coaches, and team officials will have age appropriate expectations and set up guidelines and environments that minimize the need for discipline.

11. The use, possession, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs immediately before and during SRL events involving SRL players is prohibited.

12. When attending an SRL event or on SRL property smoking or the use of tobacco or vaping is prohibited.

13. Never engage in physical or verbal confrontations (the use of profanity is prohibited) towards players, parents, coaches, officials.

14. Inappropriate jokes and sharing intimate details of one’s personal life are prohibited.

15. Social Networking between adults and individual SRL Players is discouraged. Electronic and phone communications with SRL players should be limited to soccer specific topics.

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